Monday, December 9, 2013


What is RGB?

RGB is the method of displaying color used by most electronic screens and computer monitors.  RGB stands for "Red, Green, Blue".  Displays use pixels that are colored by changing the intensity level of red, green, and blue to generated the desired color.  When red, green, and blue are at maximum intensity white is produced on the display.  When all 3 colors are at minimum intensity, black is produced on the display.

What is CMYK?

CMYK is the process used to print photographs and prints.  CMYK stands for "Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black".  Inks or toner of these colors is combined to produce the desired color at each point in the print.  Since the combination of cyan, magenta, and yellow results in brown, black is also needed.  The absence of ink or toner on a white background produces white.

What is the difference between RGB vs CMYK?

RGB is used to produce colors on displays, CMYK is used to produce color on paper or photo prints.  RGB can display a huge range of colors, more than CMYK.  When digital photos are printed, they must be converted from the RGB format that you see on a computer screen into CMYK for the printing process.

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